Prevent adblockers on your MyBB forum

If you want to make money with your MyBB forum, you’ll probably use ads to generate revenue. Google Adsense is a popular choice for example.

But a lot of visitors are using adblockers in the meantime and you’ll loose a lot of money this way.

This is a way to prevent adblockers on your MyBB forum to make a business out of your MyBB.

Open your MyBB Admin CP and visit the Templates & Styles section. Choose Templates.

Open the templates of your theme and find the ungrouped templates:

MyBB Ungrouped Templates Continue reading Prevent adblockers on your MyBB forum

Upgrade existing plugins from MyBB 1.6 to MyBB 1.8

MyBB 1.8 has been released to the public. If you’d like to upgrade your MyBB 1.6 forum, you’ll have to update your plugins too.

Most of your plugins will probably be updated by the plugin author. If a plugin author does not update his plugin to MyBB 1.8, you can try to upgrade it yourself.

Simply locate the plugin file in your forum’s inc/plugins folder. Open it with a text editor, I recommend to use Notepad++.

You’ll find a compatibility line that looks like this:

Plugin Info MyBB 1.6

Change it to 18* to support MyBB 1.8, it will look like this:

Plugin Info MyBB 1.8

Now you can upload and install the plugin. In most cases, the plugin will now work with MyBB 1.8.