MyBB has no default setting to deactivate the registration agreement for your users. The following tutorial will show you, how you can deactivate the agreement if you do not need it.
First go into your Admin CP in the Configuration > Settings tab and add a new setting with the following details:
- Title: Registration Agreement Activation
- Description: Turn the registration agreement on or off
- Group: User Registration and Profile Options
- Display Order: 9
- Identifier: regi_agreement
- Type: On/Off Choice
- Value: 1
Once you created this setting save it. The next step is downloading the member.php of your MyBB installation to your computer and open it with a text editor, for example with Notepad++.
Open line 759, it should look like this:
Replace the following line:
if((!isset($mybb->input['agree']) && !isset($mybb->input['regsubmit'])) && $fromreg == 0 || $mybb->request_method != "post")
with this code:
if($mybb->settings['regi_agreement'] && ((!isset($mybb->input['agree']) && !isset($mybb->input['regsubmit'])) && $fromreg == 0 || $mybb->request_method != "post"))
Now the registration agreement is disabled and your users will not get bothered anymore.
Enjoying the articles!
I’d love to hear some tips, on how to prevent spam bots. I’ve tried a few things, read a thing or two online, but none of it seems to work yet.
Would be lovely with an article about this, or just a reply with some tips!
You could try the akismet plugin for MyBB, it should prevent most spammers.
It has been disabled in 1.8, due to being buggy. I’m going to re-enable it, to see how it works.
Quote from their forums “In 1.8 you can enable Stop Forum Spam in Configuration instead.”
But Stop Forum Spam is simply not good enough.
I agree, StopForumSpam is not good enough. Do you have custom security questions set up on the registration process?
I had, but it was a simple one. I should try a few more complex questions!
This is what ive been lookin for!
I just implemented it, it works very beautiful!
Thanks a lot to whoever wrote this!
Please add more tutorial..
if okay, i want to ask something
Sure, ask me any MyBB related question!